By: Nick Antonaccio (
See for more details.
SQLPage is an exceptionally productive web development framework which requires only SQL code to create full-stack applications. Here are just a few code examples from this text, running live online:
Download SQLPage as a single executable program (~8Mb) for Windows, Linux, or Mac:
- Unzip or tar -zxvf the downloaded package
- Run the SQLPage server program (sqlpage.exe on Windows, sqlpage.bin on Linux and Mac)
- Open http://localhost:8080 in your web browser
By default, SQLPage connects to an embedded SQLite database, and serves content on port 8080. Code is saved as .sql files, in the same folder as sqlpage.exe. You can configure these settings by editing the sqlpage.json file in the ./sqlpage/ folder. For example:
{ "database_url": "mssql://", "listen_on": "", "web_root": "./any_folder" }The database can be sqlite, postgres, mysql, or mssql. All other SQLPage server configuration settings are listed here:
A core feature of SQLPage is its ability to populate visual UI components with database query results, using only SQL code. To display a visual UI component in a user's browser:
- SELECT a SQLPage component
- Set properties of the selected component (text content, markdown content, color, layout properties, etc.), using AS clauses
For example, save the code below as 'hello_world.sql', in the same folder as your SQLPage executable:
SELECT 'alert' AS component, 'Hello World!' AS title, 'black' AS color;With the SQLPage executable running, open http://localhost:8080/hello_world.sql in your browser. An alert component showing 'Hello World!' in black text is displayed.
See hello_world.sql live online.
The SQLPage 'list' UI component displays rows of values queried from a database table. Save the code below as 'list.sql', then (with sqlpage.exe still running) open http://localhost:8080/list.sql in your browser:
SELECT 'list' AS component, 'Items:' AS title; SELECT items AS title FROM things;See list.sql live online.
In the example above, row values are queried from the 'items' column of a table named 'things'. Note that the title property of the list component above displays the static text value 'Items:', which appears in bold at the top of the component layout. This is called a 'top level' parameter. The other title value, which appears on each line item of the list component, is called a 'row level' parameter. Row-level parameters are populated by the individual values of each row in a database query result.
Save the code below as 'form1.sql' and open http://localhost:8080/form1.sql to see it run on your local computer:
SELECT 'form' AS component; -- a 'form' component is displayed SELECT 'Item' AS name; -- a field named 'Item' is added to the form SELECT 'alert' AS component, -- an 'alert' component is displayed 'You entered:' AS title, -- with this title :Item AS description -- and this description WHERE :Item IS NOT NULL; -- only if an Item value has been submittedNote that the single field displayed in the form component above is named 'Item' (by the code: SELECT 'Item' AS name;). When the form is submitted by a user, the POST value is accessed as ':Item'. In this example, that submitted ':Item' value is displayed as the 'description' property of an alert UI component. The alert is only displayed if the :Item value is not null.
Submitted form values can be sent to another page for processing, by setting the form component's 'action' property. Save this code as 'form_sender.sql':
SELECT 'form' AS component, 'form_receiver.sql' AS action; -- this is the action property SELECT 'Name' AS name;And this code as 'form_receiver.sql' (the name of the form action above):
SELECT 'alert' AS component, 'You entered:' AS title, :Name AS description;Note that the submitted value from the form field labeled 'Name', is accessible on the form_receiver.sql page as ':Name'.
As you've seen previously, omitting the action property causes form values to be submitted back to the same page. In that case, the page re-opens and the submitted values can be processed as variables, by prepending any field name with a colon.
Save the code below as 'markdown1.sql' and open http://localhost:8080/markdown1.sql:
SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Enter Markdown Code:' AS title; SELECT 'Code' AS name, 'textarea' AS type, :Code AS value; SELECT 'text' AS component, :Code AS contents_md; -- this property renders markdown contentNote that the form component above displays a textarea field named 'Code'. When the form is submitted, the posted value from the textarea is accessed as ':Code'. That submitted ':Code' value is displayed as the value property of the textarea (i.e., the submitted code is re-displayed in the textarea field), and also as the markdown content of the text component.
In the full-stack example below, the user enters values into a form textarea field, those values are saved to the 'items' column of a database table named 'things', and all the items in that database table are queried and displayed in a UI list component:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS things (items TEXT NOT NULL); SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Add item:' AS title; SELECT 'Item' AS name; INSERT INTO things(items) SELECT :Item WHERE :Item IS NOT NULL; SELECT 'list' AS component, 'Items:' AS title; SELECT items AS title FROM things;Here's a breakdown of how each line works:
- A database table is created if it doesn't already exist. The table named 'things' has one column named 'items', which stores text values. Stored text values can not be null.
- A form component is shown in the app UI, with the title 'Add item:' and a single text field named 'Item'. When a value is submitted by the user, the page re-opens, with the variable :Item (the name of the form text field) containing the submitted value.
- When the app page opens, if an item has been submitted from the form (i.e., the :Item value is not null), then the submitted value is inserted into the 'items' column of the 'things' table.
- A list component is shown in the UI, with the top-level title 'Items:'. Rows from the 'items' column of the 'things' table are selected and displayed as the row-level title property of each visual row in the list.
You can format SQLPage code with white space however you prefer. The following code is exactly the same as the 4 lines above:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS things ( items TEXT NOT NULL ); SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Add item:' AS title; SELECT 'Item' AS name; INSERT INTO things(items) SELECT :Item WHERE :Item IS NOT NULL; SELECT 'list' AS component, 'Items:' AS title; SELECT items AS title FROM things;
The following code follows the same outline as the example above. It simply displays more form fields and list values, which correspond to more columns in a 'myurls' database table. Note that compared to the previous example, the positions of the form and list components are swapped, so the form component now appears visually beneath the table component, but all the other logic and layout structure remain exactly the same (just more components and values):
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS myurls ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, url TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO myurls ( url, description ) SELECT :URL, :Description WHERE :URL IS NOT NULL AND :Description IS NOT NULL; SELECT 'list' AS component, 'Links:' AS title; SELECT url AS title, description AS description, url AS link FROM myurls; SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Add link:' AS title; SELECT 'Description' AS name, TRUE AS required; SELECT 'URL' AS name, TRUE AS required;Notice that both fields in the form have their 'required' properties set to true (a message is displayed, and the form won't submit until a value is entered for each field).
Tables (also called 'data grids') are fundamentally useful in data management applications because they enable users to see and interact with multiple columns and multiple rows of data from a database. The code below displays a UI table component with some static values. Notice that rows of the table below are sortable by clicking column headers, and filterable by typing in the search field.
SELECT 'table' AS component, 'Static Data Table' AS title, TRUE AS sort, -- this setting enables column sorting TRUE AS search; -- this setting enables filtering SELECT 'Alice' AS 'First Name', 'Smith' AS 'Last Name', '' AS 'Email' SELECT 'Bob' AS 'First Name', 'Jones' AS 'Last Name', '' AS 'Email';The displayed values in the example above are not queried from a database table, because there is no FROM clause in the SELECT statements.
The code below simply replaces the UI list component in the previous full-stack 'URL Links' example, with a UI table component:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS myurls ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, url TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO myurls ( url, description ) SELECT :URL, :Description WHERE :URL IS NOT NULL AND :Description IS NOT NULL; SELECT 'table' AS component, -- this is the table component 'Links:' AS title, -- with these properties 'Link' AS markdown, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT description AS Description, '[' || url || '](' || url || ')' AS Link FROM myurls; SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Add link:' AS title; SELECT 'Description' AS name, TRUE AS required; SELECT 'URL' AS name, TRUE AS required;Note that the 'Link' column in the table component above is signified to contain markdown content (via the line: 'Link' AS markdown). The displayed markdown content in each row is created by concatenating the url value from the database table with the appropriate markdown code needed to display a link:
'[' || url || '](' || url || ')' AS LinkThat generates a markdown link in the format [link text](link URL). In this example, the link text and the link URL are the same.
The example below demonstrates a form with more field types, and a variety of useful validation rules:
-- Create the demo_users_table if it does not exist CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS demo_users_table ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, first_name TEXT NOT NULL, last_name TEXT NOT NULL, resume TEXT, birth_date DATE, password TEXT NOT NULL, terms BOOLEAN NOT NULL ); -- Include the form component with no specified action, for the user to enter new rows SELECT 'form' AS component, 'User' AS title, 'Create new user' AS validate; SELECT 'first_name' AS name, 'John' AS placeholder, TRUE AS required; SELECT 'last_name' AS name, TRUE AS required, 'We need your last name for legal purposes.' AS description; SELECT 'resume' AS name, 'textarea' AS type; SELECT 'birth_date' AS name, 'date' AS type, '2010-01-01' AS max, '1994-04-16' AS value; SELECT 'password' AS name, 'password' AS type, '^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\d)[A-Za-z\d]{8,}$' AS pattern, TRUE AS required, 'Minimum eight characters, at least one letter and one number.' AS description; SELECT 'I accept the terms and conditions' AS label, 'terms' AS name, 'checkbox' AS type, TRUE AS required; -- Insert submitted form data into database table, if required values are not NULL INSERT INTO demo_users_table ( first_name, last_name, resume, birth_date, password, terms ) SELECT :first_name, :last_name, :resume, :birth_date, :password, CASE WHEN :terms IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END WHERE :first_name IS NOT NULL AND :last_name IS NOT NULL AND :password IS NOT NULL; -- Display a confirmation message SELECT 'text' AS component, CASE WHEN :first_name IS NOT NULL AND :last_name IS NOT NULL AND :password IS NOT NULL THEN 'New user info has been saved!' ELSE 'No data submitted.' END AS contents; -- Display all rows from demo_users_table in a table SELECT 'table' AS component, 'Demo Users' AS title, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT id AS 'ID', first_name AS 'First Name', last_name AS 'Last Name', resume AS 'Resume', birth_date AS 'Birth Date', -- password AS 'Password', CASE WHEN terms = 1 THEN 'Accepted' ELSE 'Not Accepted' END AS 'Terms Accepted' FROM demo_users_table;The validation features in the code above can be re-used in many sorts of applications.
The example below stores webcam info (name, description, url) in a database table named 'webcams'. A form is provided for the user to add new webcam records to the database:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS webcams ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, url TEXT NOT NULL ); -- Insert data into the webcams table only if the URL is not null INSERT INTO webcams (title, description, url) SELECT :title, :description, :url WHERE :url IS NOT NULL; -- Form definition for adding a webcam SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Add a webcam:' AS title; SELECT 'title' AS name, '(a short title)' AS description; SELECT 'description' AS name, 'describe the cam' AS placeholder, 'textarea' AS type; SELECT 'url' AS name, 'http://' AS value, TRUE AS required; -- Display a datagrid component with the existing webcams -- Clicking the link opens the webcam image SELECT 'datagrid' AS component, 'Live Web Cams' AS title; SELECT title AS title, description AS description, url AS link, url AS image_url FROM webcams;Click the displayed links to view each live camera image.
This example uses CASE to perform branching (if/else) logic. Note the UI card component being used to display the selected image:
SELECT 'card' AS component; WITH random_choice AS ( SELECT RANDOM() % 2 AS coin_flip ) SELECT CASE WHEN coin_flip = 0 THEN 'Heads' ELSE 'Tails' END AS title, CASE WHEN coin_flip = 0 THEN 'You win this toss :)' ELSE 'You lose this toss :(' END AS description, CASE WHEN coin_flip = 0 THEN '' ELSE '' END AS top_image FROM random_choice;
SQL CTEs can be used to perform loops within SQLPage queries. Concatenation can be performed using the || operator, or with the Concat() function:
WITH RECURSIVE numbers AS ( SELECT 99 AS num UNION ALL SELECT num - 1 FROM numbers WHERE num > 1 ) SELECT 'text' AS component, num || ' bottles of beer on the wall, ' || num || ' bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around, ' || (num - 1) || ' bottles of beer on the wall.' AS contents FROM numbers ORDER BY num DESC;
SQL CTEs of arbitrary complexity can be incorporated into SQLPage UIs. The following code by Ophir Lojkine counts words submitted in a SQLPage form textarea:
SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Enter your text:' AS title; SELECT 'Text' AS name, 'textarea' AS type, :Text AS value; WITH RECURSIVE letters(n, l) AS ( SELECT 0, '' UNION ALL SELECT n+1, SUBSTRING(:Text, n+1, 1) FROM letters WHERE n < LENGTH(:Text) ), is_word(n, l, is_word) AS ( SELECT n, l, l BETWEEN 'a' AND 'z' OR l BETWEEN 'A' AND 'Z' FROM letters ), word_beginnings(is_beginning) AS ( SELECT is_word AND NOT LAG(is_word) OVER (ORDER BY n) FROM is_word ) SELECT 'text' AS component, 'Word count: ' || SUM(is_beginning::int) AS contents FROM word_beginnings;
The shell UI component can be used to frame pages of a SQLPage application, to present menus, headers, footers, and more:
SELECT 'shell' AS component, 'My page' AS title, 'home' AS icon, JSON('{"title": "Main", "submenu": [ { "link": "/form1.sql", "title": "Form", "icon": "forms" }, { "link": "/markdown.sql", "title": "Markdown", "icon": "squares" }, ]}') AS menu_item, JSON('{"title": "Other", "submenu": [ { "link": "", "title": "", "icon": "world" }, ]}') AS menu_item, '[Learn](' AS footer;
There are many more useful UI components built into SQLPage, for example:
SELECT 'chart' AS component, 'bar' AS type, 'Favorite pets' AS title; SELECT 'Cat' AS label, 35 AS value; SELECT 'Dog' AS label, 45 AS value; SELECT 'Fish' AS label, 20 AS value;SELECT 'form' AS component; SELECT 'latitude' AS name, '40.6892' AS placeholder, :latitude AS value; SELECT 'longitude' AS name, '-74.0445' AS placeholder, :longitude AS value; SELECT 'map' AS component; SELECT 'Your pin: ' || :latitude || ',' || :longitude AS title, :latitude AS latitude, :longitude AS longitude;Save this code as 'page1.sql':
SELECT 'title' AS component, 'This is page 1' AS contents; SELECT 'button' AS component; SELECT '/page2.sql' AS link, 'Go to page 2' AS title;And save this code as 'page2.sql'
SELECT 'title' AS component, 'This is page 2' AS contents; SELECT 'button' AS component; SELECT '/page1.sql' AS link, 'Go to page 1' AS title;Documentation and examples for all the UI components built into SQLPage are available at
In this example, a form is presented for the user to add a new Todo item, then all the saved Todo items are displayed in a UI table component. The user can click the Complete, Edit, and Remove links on each row of the table, to update each row. This example includes the database schema code and everything else needed to create, read, update and delete ToDo records:
-- Create table to store ToDo items CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS todos ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, task TEXT NOT NULL, completed BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); -- Display a form for adding or editing a ToDo item SELECT 'form' AS component, 'multipart/form-data' AS enctype; SELECT CASE WHEN $edit IS NOT NULL THEN (SELECT task FROM todos WHERE id = $edit) ELSE '' END AS value, 'task' AS name, 'text' AS type, 'Enter or edit your task' AS placeholder; -- Insert new task or update existing one INSERT INTO todos (task) SELECT :task WHERE :task IS NOT NULL AND $edit IS NULL; UPDATE todos SET task = :task WHERE id = $edit AND :task IS NOT NULL; -- Mark task as complete UPDATE todos SET completed = TRUE WHERE id = $complete; -- Delete a task DELETE FROM todos WHERE id = $delete; -- Display existing ToDo items in a table, along with links to perform database operations SELECT 'table' AS component, 'ToDo List' AS title, 'Completed' AS markdown, 'Complete_Action' AS markdown, 'Edit_Action' AS markdown, 'Remove_Action' AS markdown, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT id AS ID_Number, task AS Task, CASE WHEN completed THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS Completed, '[Complete](todo.sql?complete=' || id || ')' AS Complete_Action, '[Edit](todo.sql?edit=' || id || ')' AS Edit_Action, '[Remove](todo.sql?delete=' || id || ')' AS Remove_Action FROM todos;
In the ToDo example above, 'query parameter' (GET) values are submitted back to the app from clicked links. Those values, in the form of '?somevariable=somevalue' at the end of URL links, are used to pass row ID numbers to perform Complete, Edit, and Delete actions upon selected rows.
The query parameter values submitted back to the app are constructed using the following concatenated links in the table component:
(todo.sql?complete=' || id || ')' (todo.sql?edit=' || id || ')' (todo.sql?delete=' || id || ')'Those submitted parameters (represented by ?somevariable=somevalue at the end of URL links), are handled in the receiving code by variable labels prefixed with the $ symbol (dollar sign):
$complete $edit $deleteThroughout the ToDo app logic, whenever one of those query variables has been submitted, their existence is used to conditionally execute SQL statements upon rows of the database table which have matching ID values. For example, if a $delete variable has been submitted, then a DELETE query is run on the todos table, for any row(s) that match the submitted ID:
DELETE FROM todos WHERE id = $delete;Similarly, if a $complete variable has been submitted, then an UPDATE query is run on the 'completed' column of the todos table, for any row(s) that match the submitted ID:
UPDATE todos SET completed = TRUE WHERE id = $complete;An important clarification to remember is that values submitted via SQLPage forms (using 'POST' method) are accessed using the colon (:) prefix, and values submitted as query parameters in URL links (using 'GET' method) are accessed using the dollar sign ($) prefix.
In this app, a database table is used to store latitude and longitude values entered by a user. A UI table component displays all the saved points of interest, with links to remove any selected row and to view any selected point on the map. Those links are passed back to the app URL as query parameters ($delete and $lat $long variables), where conditional evaluations perform specified database queries using the submitted ID value:
-- Uncomment this line to delete the database table and start fresh -- DROP table map_points_of_interest; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS map_points_of_interest ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, datetime_added TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, latitude TEXT NOT NULL, longitude TEXT NOT NULL, location_name TEXT NOT NULL ); DELETE FROM map_points_of_interest WHERE id = $delete; SELECT 'redirect' AS component, 'map_points_of_interest.sql' AS link WHERE $lat IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO map_points_of_interest (latitude, longitude, location_name) SELECT :latitude, :longitude, :location_name WHERE :latitude IS NOT NULL AND :longitude IS NOT NULL; SELECT 'table' AS component, 'Points of Interest' AS title, 'Remove' AS markdown, 'View Point' AS markdown, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT latitude AS Latitude, longitude AS Longitude, location_name AS Name, '[Remove](map_points_of_interest.sql?delete=' || id || ')' AS Remove, '[Go](map_points_of_interest.sql?lat=' || latitude || '&long=' || longitude || ')' AS 'View Point' FROM map_points_of_interest; SELECT 'map' AS component; SELECT 'Your pin: ' || $lat || ',' || $long AS title, $lat AS latitude, $long AS longitude; SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Add a new point of interest:' AS title; SELECT 'latitude' AS name, '40.6892' AS placeholder, :latitude AS value; SELECT 'longitude' AS name, '-74.0445' AS placeholder, :longitude AS value; SELECT 'location_name' AS name, 'Liberty' AS placeholder, :location_name AS value;
This example follows code patterns and logic similar to the ToDo app, with form fields to create/update 'name', 'phone', & 'email' values, and a table to view/delete rows:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS people ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT ); -- Insert new record only if all fields are provided and no edit is in progress INSERT INTO people (name, phone, email) SELECT :Name, :Phone, :Email WHERE :Name IS NOT NULL AND $edit IS NULL; -- Update the record when editing UPDATE people SET name = :Name, phone = :Phone, email = :Email WHERE id = $edit AND :Name IS NOT NULL; -- Delete the record DELETE FROM people WHERE id = $delete; -- Conditionally show the form for editing or adding a new entry SELECT 'form' AS component; -- Populate form fields for both adding and editing SELECT (SELECT name FROM people WHERE id = $edit) AS value, 'Name' AS name; SELECT (SELECT phone FROM people WHERE id = $edit) AS value, 'Phone' AS name; SELECT (SELECT email FROM people WHERE id = $edit) AS value, 'Email' AS name; -- Add "Add New" button to set the $add parameter SELECT 'button' as component, 'center' as justify; SELECT '?add=1' as link, 'Add New' as title; -- Dynamic link for add new -- Display the table with actions SELECT 'table' AS component, 'Edit' AS markdown, 'Remove' AS markdown, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT id AS ID, name AS Name, phone AS Phone, email AS Email, '[Edit](?edit=' || id || ')' AS Edit, -- Dynamic link for edit '[๐๏ธ](?delete=' || id || ')' AS Remove -- Dynamic link for delete FROM people;Even when displaying thousands of rows, this app performs so quickly that pagination is typically not required. It also performs very fast on low powered budget mobile devices, and in ancient browsers (this app has been tested to work in Retrozilla which runs on Windows95, in the expermental browser on a first generation Kindle, in Dolphin on Android 2.3, in QtWeb 3.8.5, and in many others which don't support modern web UI frameworks). SQLpage's front-end speed and compatibility is impressive.
The version below adds a number of features to the Contacts app. Logic is added to show form fields only when needed (i.e., when adding or updating records). Pagination is added, to show only 100 rows per page, with home/first/next/previous/last links to navigate between pages. An extra form to perform server based filtering has been added, to compliment the table component's ability to search and sort front-end page row results. A confirmation dialogue has also been added to ensure users intend to actually delete selected rows, when they click the trashcan icon:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS people ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT ); -- Define pagination variables SET $records_per_page = 100; -- Number of records per page SET $page = COALESCE($page, 1); -- Current page number, defaults to 1 if not provided SET $offset = ($page - 1) * $records_per_page; -- Calculate the offset for pagination -- Insert new record only if all fields are provided and no edit is in progress INSERT INTO people (name, phone, email) SELECT :Name, :Phone, :Email WHERE :Name IS NOT NULL AND $edit IS NULL AND $add IS NOT NULL; -- Update the record when editing UPDATE people SET name = :Name, phone = :Phone, email = :Email WHERE id = $edit AND :Name IS NOT NULL; -- Delete the record only if confirmed DELETE FROM people WHERE id = $delete AND :confirm = 'Yes'; -- Redirect to clear form after insert, update, or deletion confirmation SELECT 'redirect' AS component, '?' AS link WHERE ($add IS NOT NULL AND :Name IS NOT NULL) -- Redirect after adding a new record OR ($edit IS NOT NULL AND :Name IS NOT NULL) -- Redirect after editing a record OR ($delete IS NOT NULL AND :confirm IS NOT NULL); -- Redirect after confirming deletion -- Conditionally show the form if editing or adding a new entry SELECT 'form' AS component WHERE $edit IS NOT NULL OR $add IS NOT NULL; -- Conditionally show the form for confirmation if a deletion is requested and not yet confirmed SELECT 'form' AS component WHERE $delete IS NOT NULL AND :confirm IS NULL; SELECT 'hidden' AS type, 'delete' AS name, $delete AS value WHERE $delete IS NOT NULL AND :confirm IS NULL; SELECT 'hidden' AS type, 'page' AS name, $page AS value WHERE $delete IS NOT NULL AND :confirm IS NULL; SELECT 'hidden' AS type, 'filter' AS name, $filter AS value WHERE $delete IS NOT NULL AND :confirm IS NULL; SELECT 'radio' AS type, 'Yes' AS value, 'confirm' AS name, 'Confirm Deletion' AS label WHERE $delete IS NOT NULL AND :confirm IS NULL; SELECT 'radio' AS type, 'No' AS value, 'confirm' AS name, 'Do Not Delete' AS label WHERE $delete IS NOT NULL AND :confirm IS NULL; -- Populate form fields for both adding and editing SELECT CASE WHEN $edit IS NOT NULL THEN (SELECT name FROM people WHERE id = $edit) ELSE '' END AS value, 'Name' AS name WHERE $edit IS NOT NULL OR $add IS NOT NULL; SELECT CASE WHEN $edit IS NOT NULL THEN (SELECT phone FROM people WHERE id = $edit) ELSE '' END AS value, 'Phone' AS name WHERE $edit IS NOT NULL OR $add IS NOT NULL; SELECT CASE WHEN $edit IS NOT NULL THEN (SELECT email FROM people WHERE id = $edit) ELSE '' END AS value, 'Email' AS name WHERE $edit IS NOT NULL OR $add IS NOT NULL; -- Display the filter form at the top of the page SELECT 'form' AS component; SELECT 'text' AS type, 'filter' AS name, 'Filter...' AS placeholder, $filter AS value; -- Filter form SELECT 'hidden' AS type, 'page' AS name, '1' AS value; -- Always reset page to 1 on new filter -- Handle empty filter and create a filter pattern for SQL LIKE SET $filter = COALESCE($filter, ''); -- Set filter to an empty string if not provided SET $filter_pattern = '%' || $filter || '%'; -- Create a filter pattern for SQL LIKE -- Add "Add New" button to set the $add parameter SELECT 'button' AS component, 'center' AS justify; SELECT '?add=1&page=' || $page AS link, 'Add New' AS title; -- Calculate the total number of pages SET $total_records = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM people WHERE name LIKE $filter_pattern OR phone LIKE $filter_pattern OR email LIKE $filter_pattern); SET $total_pages = ($total_records + $records_per_page - 1) / $records_per_page; -- Calculate total pages using integer arithmetic -- Pagination controls: First, Previous, Next, and Last buttons SELECT 'text' AS component, '[Home](?) | ' || -- Home link always appears '[First](?page=1&filter=' || $filter || ') | ' || -- First link goes to the first page with filter CASE WHEN $page > 1 THEN '[Previous](?page=' || ($page - 1) || '&filter=' || $filter || ') | ' ELSE '' END || CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM people WHERE name LIKE $filter_pattern OR phone LIKE $filter_pattern OR email LIKE $filter_pattern) > ($page * $records_per_page) THEN ' [Next](?page=' || ($page + 1) || '&filter=' || $filter || ') | ' ELSE '' END || '[Last](?page=' || CAST($total_pages AS INTEGER) || '&filter=' || $filter || ')' AS contents_md; -- Display the table with actions and apply pagination SELECT 'table' AS component, 'Edit' AS markdown, 'Remove' AS markdown, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT id AS ID, name AS Name, phone AS Phone, email AS Email, '[Edit](?edit=' || id || '&page=' || $page || '&filter=' || $filter || ')' AS Edit, -- Dynamic link for edit with filter '[๐๏ธ](?delete=' || id || '&page=' || $page || '&filter=' || $filter || '&confirm=no)' AS Remove -- Dynamic link for delete with confirmation FROM people WHERE name LIKE $filter_pattern OR phone LIKE $filter_pattern OR email LIKE $filter_pattern -- Filter records LIMIT $records_per_page OFFSET $offset; -- Apply paginationThis example implements many of the most common features needed in CRUD database interfaces. You can pick and choose between which features to incorporate, in applications of any sort. The online demo of this app uses SQLPage's embedded SQLite database, demonstrating how effective it can be out of the box. Performance can be improved when handling tremendously large data sets (terabytes), and large numbers of users, by connecting to database systems such as Postgres, and by load balancing servers with tools such as nginx.
The following example works the same way as the simple contacts app, but all variables are shortened, extra text is eliminated, and white space formatting is removed. For some minds, this presentation may help simplify SQLPage CRUD code structures:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS p (i INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, x TEXT, y TEXT); INSERT INTO p (x, y) SELECT :X, :Y WHERE $e IS NULL AND :X IS NOT NULL; UPDATE p SET x = :X, y = :Y WHERE i = $e AND :X IS NOT NULL; DELETE FROM p WHERE i = $d; SELECT 'button' AS component; SELECT '?' AS link, 'New' AS title; SELECT 'form' AS component; -- populate with existing values to edit SELECT (SELECT x FROM p WHERE i = $e) AS value, 'X' AS name; SELECT (SELECT y FROM p WHERE i = $e) AS value, 'Y' AS name; SELECT 'table' AS component, 'X' AS markdown, '' AS markdown, TRUE AS sort; SELECT i AS I, '['||x||'](?e='||i||')' AS X, y AS Y, '[X](?d='||i||')' AS '' FROM p;The following values are represented by the given variables: db-table p, db-fields i x y, form-values :X :Y, UI-columns I X Y '', ?query-parameters $e, $d
Here's an even smaller 8 line version which saves just a single column of values:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t (i INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, a TEXT); INSERT INTO t (a) SELECT :A WHERE $e IS NULL AND :A IS NOT NULL; UPDATE t SET a = :A WHERE i = $e AND :A IS NOT NULL; DELETE FROM t WHERE i = $d; SELECT 'button' AS component; SELECT '?' AS link, 'New' AS title; SELECT 'form' AS component; SELECT (SELECT a FROM t WHERE i = $e) AS value, 'A' AS name; SELECT 'table' AS component, '' AS markdown, 'X' AS markdown, TRUE AS sort; SELECT a AS A, i AS I, '[edit](?e='||i||')' AS '', '[x](?d='||i||')' AS X FROM t;That's cryptic, but it contains only the necessary code required for all CRUD interactions. It's a useful cheatsheet to keep on hand. Here's a slightly larger version with more readable variables:
This is a simple variation of the contacts app, which displays selected code examples in a code component:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS code_examples ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, code TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); INSERT INTO code_examples (code, description) SELECT :Code, :Description WHERE :Code IS NOT NULL AND $edit IS NULL; UPDATE code_examples SET code = :Code, description = :Description WHERE id = $edit AND :Code IS NOT NULL; DELETE FROM code_examples WHERE id = $delete; SELECT 'table' AS component, 'Edit' AS markdown, 'Remove' AS markdown, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT id AS ID, description AS Description, '[View/Edit](?edit=' || id || ')' AS Edit, '[X](?delete=' || id || ')' AS Remove FROM code_examples; SELECT 'code' AS component; SELECT description AS title, code AS contents FROM code_examples WHERE id = $edit; SELECT 'button' as component, 'center' as justify; SELECT '?add=1' as link, 'Add New' as title; SELECT 'form' AS component; SELECT (SELECT code FROM code_examples WHERE id = $edit) AS value, 'textarea' AS type, 'Code' AS name; SELECT (SELECT description FROM code_examples WHERE id = $edit) AS value, 'Description' AS name;
The user interface of the following app example is separated into 2 pages, and the data is saved in joined database tables. This is the home page (forum.sql):
-- Table for forum topics CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS topics ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); -- Table for forum messages CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS messages ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, topic_id INTEGER NOT NULL, author TEXT NOT NULL, message TEXT NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (topic_id) REFERENCES topics(id) ); -- Form for adding a new topic and initial message SELECT 'form' AS component, 'multipart/form-data' AS enctype; SELECT 'title' AS name, 'text' AS type, 'Enter topic title' AS placeholder; SELECT 'author' AS name, 'text' AS type, 'Your name' AS placeholder; SELECT 'message' AS name, 'textarea' AS type, 'Your message' AS placeholder; -- Insert new topic INSERT INTO topics (title) SELECT :title WHERE :title IS NOT NULL; -- Get the last inserted topic ID SET $topic_id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM topics WHERE title = :title); -- Insert initial message if topic ID is valid INSERT INTO messages (topic_id, author, message) SELECT $topic_id, :author, :message WHERE :author IS NOT NULL AND :message IS NOT NULL; -- Display list of topics SELECT 'table' AS component, 'Forum Topics' AS title, 'View' AS markdown, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT -- NOTE: the dots join values from the Topics and Messages tables AS ID, t.title AS Topic, m.created_at AS 'Last Message', m.last_author AS 'Last Poster', '[View](topic.sql?topic_id=' || || ')' AS View FROM topics t LEFT JOIN ( SELECT topic_id, MAX(created_at) AS created_at, MAX(author) AS last_author FROM messages GROUP BY topic_id ) m ON = m.topic_id ORDER BY m.created_at DESC;This is the topic page (topic.sql):
-- Insert reply to the topic INSERT INTO messages (topic_id, author, message) SELECT $topic_id, :author, :message WHERE :author IS NOT NULL AND :message IS NOT NULL; -- Redirect to refresh the page after posting a reply SELECT 'redirect' AS component, 'topic.sql?topic_id=' || $topic_id AS link WHERE :author IS NOT NULL AND :message IS NOT NULL; -- Display messages for the selected topic SELECT 'table' AS component, 'Messages in Topic' AS title, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT author AS Author, message AS Message, created_at AS 'Posted At' FROM messages WHERE topic_id = $topic_id ORDER BY created_at ASC; -- Form for replying to the topic SELECT 'form' AS component, 'multipart/form-data' AS enctype; SELECT 'author' AS name, 'text' AS type, 'Your name' AS placeholder; SELECT 'message' AS name, 'textarea' AS type, 'Your reply' AS placeholder; -- Link back to the forum home page SELECT 'text' AS component, '[Back to Forum](forum.sql)' AS contents_md;
This application enables users to upload files from a local device to the SQLPage server, where the files are stored in a database table. A UI table component displays all uploaded file names, the dates they were uploaded, and a download link, which enables users to download any selected file:
SELECT 'form' AS component, 'multipart/form-data' AS enctype; SELECT 'myfile' AS name, 'file' AS type, 'File' AS label; WITH uploaded_file AS ( SELECT sqlpage.uploaded_file_name('myfile') AS fname, sqlpage.read_file_as_data_url(sqlpage.uploaded_file_path('myfile')) AS content ) INSERT INTO uploaded_files (fname, content, uploaded) SELECT fname, content, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM uploaded_file WHERE fname IS NOT NULL AND content IS NOT NULL; SELECT 'text' AS component, 'File uploaded!' AS contents WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM uploaded_files WHERE fname = sqlpage.uploaded_file_name('myfile') ); SELECT 'table' AS component, 'Download' AS markdown, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT uploaded AS Timestamp, fname AS File_Name, '[download](upload_file.sql?filename=' || fname || ')' AS Download FROM uploaded_files; SELECT 'button' AS component; SELECT 'Download ' || $filename AS title, content AS link FROM uploaded_files WHERE $filename IS NOT NULL AND fname = $filename LIMIT 1;Note particularly the use of SQLPage functions sqlpage.uploaded_file_name(), sqlpage.read_file_as_data_url(), and sqlpage.uploaded_file_path().
This application is a trivial implementation of a cash register (meant to be a UI demo code example, *not for production use):
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, sale_datetime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, subtotal DECIMAL(10, 2), tax DECIMAL(10, 2), total DECIMAL(10, 2) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS line_items ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, sale_id INTEGER, description TEXT, price DECIMAL(10, 2), quantity INTEGER, total DECIMAL(10, 2), FOREIGN KEY (sale_id) REFERENCES sales(id) ); -- Remove a line item DELETE FROM line_items WHERE id = $delete; -- Redirect to refresh the page after deleting a line item SELECT 'redirect' AS component, 'cash_register.sql' AS link WHERE $delete IS NOT NULL; -- Form to add a new line item SELECT 'form' AS component, 'multipart/form-data' AS enctype; SELECT 'description' AS name, 'text' AS type, 'Item Description' AS placeholder; SELECT 'price' AS name, 'number' AS type, 'Item Price' AS placeholder, '0.00' AS value, 0.01 AS step; SELECT 'quantity' AS name, 'number' AS type, 'Quantity' AS placeholder, '1' AS value; -- Insert line item INSERT INTO line_items (description, price, quantity, total) SELECT :description, :price, :quantity, :price * :quantity WHERE :description IS NOT NULL AND :price IS NOT NULL AND :quantity IS NOT NULL; -- Display line items SELECT 'table' AS component, 'Line Items' AS title, 'Remove' AS markdown, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT description AS Description, printf("%.2f", price) AS 'Price per Item', quantity AS Quantity, printf("%.2f", total) AS 'Total Cost', '[Remove](cash_register.sql?delete=' || id || ')' AS Remove FROM line_items; -- Calculate subtotal, tax, and total SELECT 'text' AS component, 'Subtotal: $' || printf("%.2f", SUM(total)) AS contents FROM line_items; SELECT 'text' AS component, 'Tax (10%): $' || printf("%.2f", SUM(total) * 0.1) AS contents FROM line_items; SELECT 'text' AS component, 'Total: $' || printf("%.2f", SUM(total) * 1.1) AS contents FROM line_items; -- Save the transaction INSERT INTO sales (subtotal, tax, total) SELECT SUM(total), SUM(total) * 0.1, SUM(total) * 1.1 FROM line_items WHERE $save IS NOT NULL; -- Clear line items after saving DELETE FROM line_items WHERE $save IS NOT NULL; -- Show a save button SELECT 'form' AS component; SELECT 'save' AS name, 'submit' AS type, 'Complete Sale' AS value;This sales report app allows users to enter a start date and an end date. When the dates are submitted, the app displays all cash register sales which occurred between the 2 dates, along with a grand total tally of all the saved transactions:
-- Form to select date range SELECT 'form' AS component, 'multipart/form-data' AS enctype; SELECT 'start_date' AS name, 'date' AS type, 'Start Date' AS label; SELECT 'end_date' AS name, 'date' AS type, 'End Date' AS label; -- Display sales report SELECT 'table' AS component, 'Sales Report' AS title, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT sale_datetime AS 'Sale Date', printf("%.2f", subtotal) AS 'Subtotal', printf("%.2f", tax) AS 'Tax', printf("%.2f", total) AS 'Total' FROM sales WHERE sale_datetime BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date AND subtotal IS NOT NULL; -- Calculate total sales for the selected date range WITH total_sales AS ( SELECT SUM(total) AS total_sales FROM sales WHERE sale_datetime BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date AND subtotal IS NOT NULL ) SELECT 'text' AS component, 'Total Sales: $' || printf("%.2f", total_sales) AS contents FROM total_sales;
The documentation at provides a thorough explanation and examples which demonstrate how to use the SQLPage authentication component.
You can create password hashes with the hash_password function. The simplest possible way to password protect a page is to hard-code a hashed password directly in the application. The app runs the authentication component first, and only continues to display the rest of the page if proper credentials are entered into the authorization popup dialogue:
SELECT 'authentication' AS component, '$argon2i$v=19$m=8,t=1,p=1$YWFhYWFhYWE$oKBq5E8XFTHO2w' AS password_hash, sqlpage.basic_auth_password() AS password; -- enter 'password' SELECT 'alert' AS component, 'You are logged in' AS title, 'black' AS color;login_simple.sql (enter 'password' as the password)
This example demonstrates how to create new users and save their hashed passwords to a database table, via an admin page:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, email TEXT NOT NULL, username TEXT NOT NULL, password_hash TEXT NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); SELECT 'form' AS component, 'multipart/form-data' AS enctype; SELECT 'email' AS name, 'email' AS type, 'Enter your email' AS placeholder; SELECT 'username' AS name, 'text' AS type, 'Enter your username' AS placeholder; SELECT 'password' AS name, 'password' AS type, 'Enter your password' AS placeholder; INSERT INTO users (username, email, password_hash) SELECT :username, :email, sqlpage.hash_password(:password) -- NOTE THIS LINE WHERE :username IS NOT NULL AND :password IS NOT NULL AND :email IS NOT NULL;After user credentials have been entered in the form above, you can provide a form for users to log in to protected pages:
SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Log in' AS title, 'authenticate.sql' AS action; SELECT 'username' AS name, 'text' AS type, 'joebloe' AS placeholder; SELECT 'password' AS name, 'password' AS type, '12341234' AS placeholder;The authentication component can be placed at the top of any page which needs authorization. The form above logs in to this authenticate.sql page:
-- Authentication component must be at the top of the page SELECT 'authentication' AS component, (SELECT password_hash FROM users WHERE username = :username) AS password_hash, :password AS password; -- If authentication is successful SELECT 'alert' AS component, 'You are logged in' AS title;
The 4 files below make up a 'private fruits' application, in which each user can only see their own private list of fruits. In the first file, a 'sessions' table schema is created to store session tokens. Save this code as private_fruits_admin.sql. Be sure to open this page to create the new table, before using the rest of the application:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS private_fruits_users( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, username TEXT NOT NULL, password_hash TEXT NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sessions ( session_token TEXT PRIMARY KEY, user_id INTEGER, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES private_fruits_users(id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS private_food( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, fruit TEXT NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES private_fruits_users(id) ); SELECT 'form' AS component, 'multipart/form-data' AS enctype; SELECT 'username' AS name, 'text' AS type; SELECT 'password' AS name, 'password' AS type; INSERT INTO private_fruits_users (username, password_hash) SELECT :username, sqlpage.hash_password(:password) WHERE :username IS NOT NULL AND :password IS NOT NULL;The user page below, named 'private_fruits_login.sql' displays a form, which submits the values entered by the user, to the page 'private_fruits_authenticate.sql':
SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Log in' AS title, 'private_fruits_authenticate.sql' AS action; SELECT 'username' AS name, 'text' AS type; SELECT 'password' AS name, 'password' AS type;After successful authentication, the private_fruits_authenticate.sql code below generates a session token, and saves that random value to the 'sessions' database table. It also saves that same session token to a cookie in the user's browser:
SELECT 'authentication' AS component, ( SELECT password_hash FROM private_fruits_users WHERE username = :username ) AS password_hash, :password AS password; -- Generate a session token and cookie after successful authentication INSERT INTO sessions (session_token, user_id) VALUES (sqlpage.random_string(32), ( SELECT id FROM private_fruits_users WHERE username = :username )) RETURNING 'cookie' AS component, 'session_token' AS name, session_token AS value; SELECT 'redirect' AS component, 'private_fruits.sql' AS link;Finally, on the private_fruits.sql page, the session_token saved in the database is compared with the session_token stored in the user's browser. The key here is that the value stored in any user's browser cookie won't match any other user's randomly generated session token saved in the database. If the user isn't validated properly (by matching a saved session token with a saved browser cookie value), the app redirects to the login page. Otherwise, the rest of the page is displayed:
-- Validate session and get user_id WITH session_data AS ( SELECT user_id FROM sessions WHERE session_token = sqlpage.cookie('session_token') ) -- Redirect to login if session is invalid SELECT 'redirect' AS component, 'private_fruits_login.sql' AS link WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM session_data); -- Form for adding a new fruit SELECT 'form' AS component, 'multipart/form-data' AS enctype; SELECT 'Fruit' AS name; -- Insert new fruit for the logged-in user INSERT INTO private_food(fruit, user_id) SELECT :Fruit, ( SELECT user_id FROM sessions WHERE session_token = sqlpage.cookie('session_token') ) WHERE :Fruit IS NOT NULL; -- Display fruits for the logged-in user SELECT 'list' AS component, 'My fruit list:' AS title; SELECT fruit AS title FROM private_food WHERE user_id = ( SELECT user_id FROM sessions WHERE session_token = sqlpage.cookie('session_token') );The user can now open their personal private fruits page as many times as needed (including upon any form submissions), and the cookie stored in their browser will validate them to access the page, every time. Note that we can place the following part of the code above, on any other page that requires validated access, and the same authorization requirements will be enforced, using the same stored cookie:
WITH session_data AS ( SELECT user_id FROM sessions WHERE session_token = sqlpage.cookie('session_token') ) SELECT 'redirect' AS component, 'private_fruits_login.sql' AS link WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM session_data);You can log a user out of the system above by removing the session token from the database table, and removing the session token from the browser cookie:
DELETE FROM sessions WHERE session_token = sqlpage.cookie('session_token'); SELECT 'cookie' AS component, 'session_token' AS name, true AS remove; SELECT 'redirect' AS component, 'private_fruits_login.sql' AS link;
Below is a simple HTTP request. Response data can be assigned a variable label, or used directly in a SQLPage component. Here the response is displayed in a UI 'code' component:
SELECT 'code' AS component; SELECT 'API Results' AS title, sqlpage.fetch('') AS contents;Here's another example, which displays a random image from a web API in a SQLPage card component:
SELECT 'card' AS component, 'A random image:' AS title; SELECT '' AS top_image, 'star' AS icon;This example builds on the random image code above, enabling selection of specifically sized images:
SELECT 'button' AS component; SELECT '/image_size.sql?imgsize=200' AS link, '200' AS title; SELECT '/image_size.sql?imgsize=400' AS link, '400' AS title; SELECT '/image_size.sql?imgsize=800' AS link, '800' AS title; SELECT 'text' AS component, '![alt text](' || $imgsize || ')' AS contents_md;This example by Ophir Lojkine concatenates the base URL of an API at, with a search value submitted in query parameter format. The API response to that request contains latitude and longitude values, which are displayed in a SQLPage map component:
set url = '' || sqlpage.url_encode($user_search) set api_results = sqlpage.fetch($url); select 'map' as component; select $user_search as title, CAST($api_results->>0->>'lat' AS FLOAT) as latitude, CAST($api_results->>0->>'lon' AS FLOAT) as longitude;Note the CAST operation above, in which the 'lat' and 'lon' values are parsed from the json data returned by the remote API. The ->> operator enables picking from numbered items in list structures, and keys in dictionary structures. JSON data is typically stored as text. The CAST function ensures that these values are treated as numeric types in SQL.
With the code above running at, you could, for example, use the following request with the specified 'eiffel tower' query parameter, to look up the latitude and longitude of the Eiffel Tower and display that location on the map: tower. Try pasting that URL in your browser, and replace 'eiffel tower' with other search values.
Each RDBMS has different functions for parsing and handling JSON data. SQLite has the built-in functions 'json_each' and 'json_extract', which can be used to parse downloaded json data. This code starts by creating a 'users_parsed' table with 'name', 'username', 'email', and 'company' columns, where select values from the parsed data are stored temporarily. The temporary data in this table is cleared each time the app loads. The json data is then downloaded using the sqlpage.fetch() function, and selected values are stored in the temporary database table. Finally, the database table is queried, and the results are displayed in a UI table component, with the sort and search properties set to TRUE:
-- Clear the table at the beginning of the script DELETE FROM users_parsed; -- Create table for parsed data CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users_parsed ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, username TEXT, email TEXT, company TEXT ); -- Fetch and parse JSON data WITH raw_data AS ( SELECT sqlpage.fetch('') AS json ), parsed AS ( SELECT json_extract(value, '$.id') AS id, json_extract(value, '$.name') AS name, json_extract(value, '$.username') AS username, json_extract(value, '$.email') AS email, json_extract(value, '$') AS company FROM raw_data, json_each(raw_data.json) ) INSERT INTO users_parsed (id, name, username, email, company) SELECT id, name, username, email, company FROM parsed; -- Display parsed data SELECT 'table' AS component, 'Parsed User Data' AS title, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT name AS 'Name', username AS 'Username', email AS 'Email', company AS 'Company' FROM users_parsed;PostgreSQL has rich JSON support, including the functions jsonb_each_text and jsonb_extract_path_text:
-- Assuming you have already fetched the JSON into a variable 'json_data' WITH raw_data AS (SELECT :json_data::jsonb AS json), parsed AS ( SELECT (jsonb_each_text(json ->> 'company')).value AS company, json->>'id' AS id, json->>'name' AS name, json->>'username' AS username, json->>'email' AS email FROM raw_data, jsonb_array_elements(raw_data.json) ) INSERT INTO users_parsed (id, name, username, email, company) SELECT id, name, username, email, company FROM parsed ON CONFLICT (id) DO NOTHING;MySQL supports the JSON functions JSON_UNQUOTE and JSON_EXTRACT:
-- Assuming you have already fetched the JSON into a variable 'json_data' SET @json = :json_data; INSERT INTO users_parsed (id, name, username, email, company) SELECT JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(user.value, '$.id')) AS id, JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(user.value, '$.name')) AS name, JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(user.value, '$.username')) AS username, JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(user.value, '$.email')) AS email, JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(user.value, '$')) AS company FROM JSON_TABLE(@json, '$[*]' COLUMNS ( value JSON PATH '$' )) AS user ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id=id;MSSQL has the JSON functions JSON_VALUE and OPENJSON:
-- Assuming you have already fetched the JSON into a variable 'json_data' DECLARE @json NVARCHAR(MAX) = :json_data; INSERT INTO users_parsed (id, name, username, email, company) SELECT JSON_VALUE(user.value, '$.id') AS id, JSON_VALUE(user.value, '$.name') AS name, JSON_VALUE(user.value, '$.username') AS username, JSON_VALUE(user.value, '$.email') AS email, JSON_VALUE(user.value, '$') AS company FROM OPENJSON(@json) WITH ( value NVARCHAR(MAX) '$' ) AS user ON CONFLICT (id) DO NOTHING;Keep in mind that ChatGPT and other AI tools can be very helpful in converting specialized SQL code from one database system to another. ChatGPT, Claude, Llama, Deepseek and other AIs do a fantastic job of generating SQL code in general, and you can use them to understand, troubleshoot, and learn anything you need about writing SQLPage apps.
This example taken from demonstrates how to send a more detailed request body to an HTTP endpoint:
set request = json_object( 'method', 'POST' 'url', '', 'headers', json_object( 'Content-Type', 'application/json', 'Authorization', 'Bearer ' || sqlpage.environment_variable('MY_API_TOKEN') ), 'body', json_object( 'Hello', 'world', ), ); set api_results = sqlpage.fetch($request); select 'code' as component; select 'API call results' as title, 'json' as language, $api_results as contents;
This example provides a UI form for the user to enter a zip code. The API at is then sent a request body containing the zip code, API key, and units of measure. Given that request body, the API returns appropriate information, in json format, about current weather conditions. The wind speed and temperature values picked from the json response data are displayed in a text component. Notice the use of the sqlpage.environment_variable() function, which can be used to keep secrets such as API tokens out of your code:
-- Form to enter the zip code SELECT 'form' AS component, 'multipart/form-data' AS enctype; SELECT 'zip_code' AS name, 'text' AS type, 'Enter your zip code' AS placeholder; -- Define the API key SET $api_key = sqlpage.environment_variable('MY_API_TOKEN'); -- Set a default value for the zip code if not provided SET $zip_code = COALESCE(:zip_code, '07006'); -- Fetch weather data from OpenWeatherMap API WITH weather_data AS ( SELECT sqlpage.fetch( CONCAT( '', $zip_code, '&appid=', $api_key, '&units=imperial' ) ) AS json_data ) -- Extract wind speed and temperature SELECT 'text' AS component, 'Wind speed is ' || json_extract(json_data, '$.wind.speed') || ', and temperature is ' || json_extract(json_data, '$.main.temp') AS contents FROM weather_data;
An example of a file upload app was presented earlier, which enabled users to upload and save files in the 'content' column of an 'uploaded_files' table in the database, in the following format (the image data is truncated here to save space):
 [...]The code below creates an HTTP API endpoint in SQLPage that will deliver a selected image from an SQLite database table. In this example, the file name can be specified in the HTTP request endpoint (the URL where users request a reponse from this app):
-- Define the API endpoint SELECT 'json' AS component, json_object( 'filename', uploaded_files.fname, 'image_data', uploaded_files.content ) AS contents FROM uploaded_files WHERE fname = $filename LIMIT 1; -- If no file was found, return an error message SELECT 'json' AS component, json_object( 'error', 'File not found' ) AS contents WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM uploaded_files WHERE fname = $filename );
Note that each RDBMS has different built-in functions to handle JSON data:
-- Define the API endpoint SELECT 'json' AS component, json_build_object( 'filename', uploaded_files.fname, 'image_data', uploaded_files.content ) AS contents FROM uploaded_files WHERE fname = $filename LIMIT 1; -- If no file was found, return an error message SELECT 'json' AS component, json_build_object( 'error', 'File not found' ) AS contents WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM uploaded_files WHERE fname = $filename );MySQL:
-- Define the API endpoint SELECT 'json' AS component, JSON_OBJECT( 'filename', uploaded_files.fname, 'image_data', uploaded_files.content ) AS contents FROM uploaded_files WHERE fname = $filename LIMIT 1; -- If no file was found, return an error message SELECT 'json' AS component, JSON_OBJECT( 'error', 'File not found' ) AS contents WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM uploaded_files WHERE fname = $filename );SQL Server:
-- Define the API endpoint SELECT 'json' AS component, (SELECT fname AS filename, content AS image_data FROM uploaded_files WHERE fname = $filename FOR JSON PATH, WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER) AS contents; -- If no file was found, return an error message SELECT 'json' AS component, (SELECT 'File not found' AS error FOR JSON PATH, WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER) AS contents WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM uploaded_files WHERE fname = $filename );
- SQLite: Uses json_object() to create the JSON object.
- PostgreSQL: Uses json_build_object() to create a JSON object.
- MySQL: Uses JSON_OBJECT() to create the JSON object.
- SQL Server: Uses FOR JSON PATH, WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER to create the JSON object.
In each case, the query checks if the file exists and returns the fileโs content if found, or an error message if not.
A comprehensive document about using JSON in SQLPage is at
The sqlpage.exe() function can be used to run compiled code and/or any code run by an interpreter of any programming language, on the server computer. To use this function, set "allow_exec" : true in the sqlpage/sqlpage.json configuration settings file.
The following example uses sqlpage.exec() to run a Python script which counts the number of words in a submitted ':text_input' string:
-- Form to input text SELECT 'form' AS component; SELECT 'text_input' AS name, 'textarea' AS type, :text_input AS value; -- Execute the Python script to count words SELECT 'text' AS component, 'Word Count: ' || sqlpage.exec( 'C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python311\\python.exe', '', :text_input ) AS contents;Here is the Python script which is called by the SQLPage code above. The file must be placed in the SQLPage working directory (the same folder where sqlpage.exe or is located).:
import sys text = sys.argv[1] word_count = len(text.split()) print(word_count)The SQLPage app below runs a Python script, which uses the Python 'requests' library to download a joke from
SELECT 'text' AS component, 'Here''s a joke: ' AS title, sqlpage.exec( 'C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python311\\python.exe', '' ) AS contents;Here's the Python code called in the example above. Save it as in your SQLPage working directory:
import requests response = requests.get('') joke_data = response.json() print(f"{joke_data['setup']} - {joke_data['punchline']}")This SQLPage script fetches and displays a markdown table generated by some Python pandas code:
SELECT 'text' AS component, sqlpage.exec( 'C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python311\\python.exe', '' ) AS contents_md;Here's the Python code. Save it as in your SQLPage working directory:
import pandas as pd data = { "Name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"], "Age": [25, 30, 35], "City": ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Chicago"] } df = pd.DataFrame(data) markdown_table = df.to_markdown(index=False) print(markdown_table)The examples in this section are all Python, but sqlpage.exec() can run any code compiled or interpreted by any other programming language (this includes any arbitrary executable or script evaluated by a language interpreter on your server), so incorporating all sorts of existing software tools and collaborating with developers of any backgroung is straightforward. Be sure to understand the security implications before using sqlpage.exec() in any SQLPage application.
This example doesn't use sqlpage.exec(), but accomplishes a useful task for projects which integrate Python. When creating a database table with the Python SQLAlchemy library like this:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String, Date, Enum, ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship connect_string="mssql+pyodbc://" engine = create_engine(connect_string, echo=False) Base = declarative_base() Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) class Demog(Base): __tablename__ = 'demog' personID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) regID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('users.regID'), nullable=False) display = Column(Enum('yes', 'no'), default='no') LastName = Column(String(30)) FirstName = Column(String(30)) MiddleName = Column(String(25)) Gender = Column(Enum('Male', 'Female', 'Other')) DOB = Column(Date) SSN = Column(String(9), default='', nullable=True) notes = Column(String(255)) users = relationship("Users", back_populates="demogs")The following SQLPage example can be used to display a UI table and a form to interact with that database table:
INSERT INTO demog ( regID, LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, Gender, DOB, SSN, notes, display ) SELECT :regID, :LastName, :FirstName, :MiddleName, :Gender, :DOB, :SSN, :notes, :display WHERE :regID IS NOT NULL AND :DOB IS NOT NULL AND :LastName IS NOT NULL AND :FirstName IS NOT NULL; SELECT 'table' AS component, 'People:' AS title, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT regID AS regID, LastName AS LastName, FirstName AS FirstName, MiddleName AS MiddleName, Gender AS Gender, DOB AS Date_Of_Birth, SSN AS SSN, notes AS notes, display AS display FROM demog; SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Add link:' AS title; SELECT 'regID' AS name, 'number' AS type, TRUE AS required; SELECT 'LastName' AS name, TRUE AS required; SELECT 'FirstName' AS name, TRUE AS required; SELECT 'MiddleName' AS name; SELECT 'Gender' AS name; SELECT 'SSN' AS name; SELECT 'notes' AS name; SELECT 'DOB' AS name, 'date' AS type, '2010-01-01' AS max, '1990-01-15' AS value; SELECT 'display' AS name, 'select' AS type, -- TRUE AS searchable, '[{"label": "no", "value": "no"}, {"label": "yes", "value": "yes"}]' AS options, 'no' AS value;Note that for this SQLAlchemy connection string:
connect_string="mssql+pyodbc://"The SQLPage connection string in ./sqlpage/sqlpage.json would be:
{"database_url": "mssql://"}Here's a full CRUD version of the code above, with a schema definition at the top of the code, so it can also be used anywhere SQLAlchemy hasn't been used to set up the database. Examine the structure of this code and notice that it's derived almost exactly from the Contacts CRUD example provided earlier in the tutorial:
-- SQL Schema Definition, if SQLAlchemy hasn't been used to set up the database CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS demog ( personID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, regID INTEGER NOT NULL, LastName VARCHAR(30), FirstName VARCHAR(30), MiddleName VARCHAR(25), Gender VARCHAR(10) CHECK (Gender IN ('Male', 'Female', 'Other')), DOB DATE, SSN VARCHAR(9) DEFAULT '' NULL, notes VARCHAR(255), display VARCHAR(3) CHECK (display IN ('yes', 'no')) DEFAULT 'no' ); -- Create an index on regID if needed CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS regID_idx ON demog (regID); -- Insert new record only if no edit is in progress INSERT INTO demog ( regID, LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, Gender, DOB, SSN, notes, display ) SELECT :regID, :LastName, :FirstName, :MiddleName, :Gender, :DOB, :SSN, :notes, :display WHERE :regID IS NOT NULL AND :DOB IS NOT NULL AND :LastName IS NOT NULL AND :FirstName IS NOT NULL AND $edit IS NULL; -- Only insert if no edit is in progress -- Update the existing record only if editing UPDATE demog SET regID = :regID, LastName = :LastName, FirstName = :FirstName, MiddleName = :MiddleName, Gender = :Gender, DOB = :DOB, SSN = :SSN, notes = :notes, display = :display WHERE personID = $edit AND :regID IS NOT NULL AND :DOB IS NOT NULL AND :LastName IS NOT NULL AND :FirstName IS NOT NULL; -- Delete the record DELETE FROM demog WHERE personID = $delete; -- Form for adding or editing SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Add a patient:' AS title; SELECT (SELECT regID FROM demog WHERE personID = $edit) AS value, 'regID' AS name, 'number' AS type; SELECT (SELECT LastName FROM demog WHERE personID = $edit) AS value, 'LastName' AS name; SELECT (SELECT FirstName FROM demog WHERE personID = $edit) AS value, 'FirstName' AS name; SELECT (SELECT MiddleName FROM demog WHERE personID = $edit) AS value, 'MiddleName' AS name; SELECT (SELECT Gender FROM demog WHERE personID = $edit) AS value, 'Gender' AS name; SELECT (SELECT SSN FROM demog WHERE personID = $edit) AS value, 'SSN' AS name; SELECT (SELECT notes FROM demog WHERE personID = $edit) AS value, 'notes' AS name; SELECT (SELECT DOB FROM demog WHERE personID = $edit) AS value, 'DOB' AS name, 'date' AS type, '2010-01-01' AS max; SELECT (SELECT display FROM demog WHERE personID = $edit) AS value, 'display' AS name, 'select' AS type, '[{"label": "no", "value": "no"}, {"label": "yes", "value": "yes"}]' AS options, 'no' AS value; -- Button for adding new entry SELECT 'button' as component, 'center' as justify; SELECT '?add=1' as link, 'Add New' as title; -- Table to display demog records SELECT 'table' AS component, 'Demog:' AS title, 'Edit' AS markdown, 'Remove' AS markdown, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search; SELECT personID AS personID, regID AS regID, LastName AS LastName, FirstName AS FirstName, MiddleName AS MiddleName, Gender AS Gender, DOB AS Date_Of_Birth, SSN AS SSN, notes AS notes, display AS display, '[Edit](?edit=' || personID || ')' AS Edit, '[X](?delete=' || personID || ')' AS Remove FROM demog;
The documentation at explains how new SQLPage UI components can be created. As an example, save the following code as 'smiley_list.handlebars' in the 'sqlpage/templates/' subfolder of your working directory (that should be a subfolder of the directory where your sqlpage.exe binary is located):
<h1>{{big_text}}</h1> <ul> {{#each_row}} <li>๐ {{id}} - {{fruit}}</li> {{/each_row}} </ul>Notice that the template above has 3 properties included within double curly brackets {{}}:
- big_text
- id
- fruit
The template also includes a smiley emoji, as well as a dash between the 'id' and 'fruit' properties. That 'smiley_list' component can now be used like any other built-in component that comes with SQLPage. We'll use it to display a list of fruits from the 'food' database table created in an earlier example. Save this code as 'custom_smiley_list.sql' in the same folder where all your other normal SQLPage code application files are located (not in the same folder as the .handlebars file):
SELECT 'smiley_list' AS component, 'My smiley fruit list' AS big_text; SELECT id AS id, fruit AS fruit FROM food;For reference, the code above queries a database table which can be populated with this code:
CREATE TABLE food ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, fruit TEXT NOT NULL ); SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Add a fruit' AS title; SELECT 'Fruit' as name, TRUE as required; INSERT INTO food(fruit) SELECT :Fruit WHERE :Fruit IS NOT NULL; SELECT 'list' AS component, 'Current fruits' AS title; SELECT fruit AS title, CONCAT(fruit, ' is a favorite fruit') as description FROM food;Try adding a fruit above and then re-running custom_smiley_list.sql.
Save this custom component code as '/sqlpage/templates/my_urls.handlebars':
<h1>{{title}}</h1> <ul> {{#each_row}} <li>{{description}}: <a href="{{url}}" target=_blank>{{url}}</a></li> {{/each_row}} </ul>You can now use that component in any SQLPage application on your server. Here is an updated version of the URL list application from earlier in the tutorial, now using the component above to display the URL list:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS myurls ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, url TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO myurls (url, description) SELECT :URL, :Description WHERE :URL IS NOT NULL AND :Description IS NOT NULL; SELECT 'my_urls' AS component, 'Links:' AS title; SELECT url AS url, description AS description FROM myurls; SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Add link:' AS title; SELECT 'Description' AS name, TRUE as required; SELECT 'URL' AS name, TRUE as required;
SQLPage uses built-in Bootstrap and Tabler styling (Tabler is built on top of Bootstrap), including more than 5000 graphic icons. You can also include custom CSS and Javascript code to adjust spacing, background colors, animations, or any other visual property.
Save the following code as 'smiley_card_grid.handlebars' in the 'sqlpage/templates/' folder:
<h1>{{title}}</h1> <div class="row"> {{#each_row}} <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="card"> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-icon">{{{icon_img "mood-smile"}}}</div> <h5 class="card-title">{{author}}</h5> <p class="card-text">{{message}}</p> </div> </div> </div> {{/each_row}} </div>Save this code as 'custom_smiley_card_grid.sql':
SELECT 'smiley_card_grid' AS component, 'Smiley Message Cards' AS title; SELECT message AS message, CONCAT('Author: ', author) AS author FROM messages;custom_smiley_message_grid.sql
The example above queries the 'messages' database table, which was created for the earlier public forum application example. This example displays all the forum messages using the custom card layout defined above.
The following template animates a list of items, so that each item fades in as it appears. Note that this is all standard CSS code, with placeholders for database values, enclosed in handlebars notation (double curly brackets: {{}}). Save this code as 'sqlpage/templates/animated_list.handlebars':
<h1>{{title}}</h1> <ul class="animated-list"> {{#each_row}} <li style="animation-delay: {{@row_index}}s;">{{first_property}}: {{second_property}}</li> {{/each_row}} </ul> <style nonce="{{@csp_nonce}}"> .animated-list { list-style-type: none; padding: 0; } .animated-list li { opacity: 0; transform: translateY(20px); animation: fadeInUp 0.5s ease-out forwards; } @keyframes fadeInUp { to { opacity: 1; transform: translateY(0); } } </style>The SQLPage code below uses the component above to display values from the 'webcams' table created in an earlier application example:
SELECT 'animated_list' AS component, 'Animated List' AS title; SELECT title AS first_property, description AS second_property FROM webcams;Here's the webcams table definition, for reference:
CREATE TABLE webcams ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, url TEXT NOT NULL );The code below adjusts the animated fade-in list component above to include images from the url field in the webcams database table. Save this template as 'sqlpage/templates/animated_webcam_grid.handlebars':
<h1>{{title}}</h1> <div class="animated-grid"> {{#each_row}} <div class="grid-item" style="animation-delay: {{@row_index}}s;"> <img src="{{url}}" alt="{{title}}" class="webcam-image"> <h2>{{title}}</h2> <p>{{description}}</p> </div> {{/each_row}} </div> <style nonce="{{@csp_nonce}}"> .animated-grid { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; gap: 20px; justify-content: space-around; padding: 0; } .grid-item { width: 200px; opacity: 0; transform: translateY(20px); animation: fadeInUp 0.5s ease-out forwards; text-align: center; } .webcam-image { width: 100%; height: auto; border-radius: 8px; margin-bottom: 10px; } @keyframes fadeInUp { to { opacity: 1; transform: translateY(0); } } </style>Using this template in SQLPage apps requires very little code:
SELECT 'animated_image_list' AS component, 'Webcam Gallery' AS title; SELECT title, description, url FROM webcams;custom_animated_image_list2.sql
As you can see, custom components enable complex UI designs and functionality to be encapsulated and then incorporated very simply in SQLPage UI code. This enables easy separation of concerns, and neatly organized collaborative effort between front-end and back-end developers. See for a more detailed explanation of these custom components.
iFrames enable web applications running at a remote URL to be embedded in SQLPage apps. iFrames can be displayed in SQLPage card components. For example, this plain HTML code:
<h1>Hello World</h1><br> <a href="hello_world.html" target="_parent">hello world</a><br> <a href="hello_world_iframe.sql" target="_parent">hello world iframe</a>Can be displayed by this SQLPage code:
SELECT 'card' AS component, 'The Hello World HTML page running in an iFrame:' AS title, 1 AS columns; SELECT 'The section below could be ANY web app' AS title, '' AS embed, 'iframe' AS embed_mode, '350' AS height;
Applications delivered in iframes can be of any complexity, and can be created using virtually any web development technology:
SELECT 'card' AS component, 'Multiple remote applications running in iFrames' AS title, 2 AS columns; SELECT 'Message Board (Bootstrap, Plain JS, Bottle)' AS title, '' AS embed, 'iframe' AS embed_mode, '350' AS height; SELECT 'Embedded Image Uploader (Brython, Flask)' AS title, '' AS embed, -- 'iframe' AS embed_mode, '350' AS height SELECT '3D Message (NiceGUI)' AS title, '' AS embed, 'iframe' AS embed_mode, '350' AS height SELECT 'Editable Cards (Streamlit, Dataset, SQLAlchemy)' AS title, '' AS embed, 'iframe' AS embed_mode, '350' AS height SELECT 'card' AS component, 1 AS columns; SELECT 'Contacts & Auth: 12341234' AS title, '' AS embed, 'iframe' AS embed_mode, '500' AS height;
Keep in mind that apps written in other programming languages can call APIs written in SQLPage, and vice-versa. This makes iframes a great way to enable easy collaboration with developers who choose to use web APIs in any other programming language ecosystem. For example, the SQLPage API below returns JSON data containing the author and title column values of all messages, from the Forum example app earlier in this tutorial:
SELECT 'json' AS component, JSON_OBJECT( 'messages', ( SELECT JSON_GROUP_ARRAY( JSON_OBJECT( 'author', author, 'message', message ) ) FROM messages ) ) AS contents;
The code below uses the JS Fetch API to request data from the API above, and Bootstrap to display those values in a table layout:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <div class="container" style="margin-top: 0;"> <table class="table table-striped"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">Author</th> <th scope="col">Message</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="message-table-body"> <!-- Rows will be inserted here dynamically --> </tbody> </table> </div> <script> // Fetch data from the API fetch('') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { const messages = data.messages; const tableBody = document.getElementById('message-table-body'); messages.forEach(msg => { const row = document.createElement('tr'); row.innerHTML = `<td>${}</td><td>${msg.message}</td>`; tableBody.appendChild(row); }); }) .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching the data:', error)); </script> </body> </html>
Finally, this SQLPage code embeds the Bootstrap table layout above in a SQLPage card component:
SELECT 'card' AS component, 'Bootstrap table running in an iFrame:' AS title, 1 AS columns; SELECT 'Data from' AS title, '' AS embed, 'iframe' AS embed_mode, '350' AS height;
Those 3 pieces form a fully self-contained app, served entirely by SQLPage, with data returned solely by a SQLPage API. No other programming languages (Python, PHP, Java, etc.), ORMs (SQLAlchemy, pyDAL, Pony, etc.), or any other API server framework (Flask, FastAPI, etc.) are required on the back end. In this way, SQLPage can take the place of all those other complex architecture pieces, and integrate beautifully with any front-end tooling of your choice.
SQLPage applications can also be embedded in web apps created using any other programming language tools. Here's the contacts app from earlier in the tutorial, embedded in a Python Anvil app:
As you can see, iframes provide a simple and fast way to integrate complete full-stack apps directly in SQLPage front ends, and vice-versa.
SQLPage binaries are available for most common server operating systems. If you need it to run on another OS, the compile process is simple. SQLPage is written in Rust, which has an easy to use tool chain, and many platform targets. Information about cross-compiling is at
It's often easier to install Rust on your target device, and compile there (instead of cross-compiling). For example, the following steps can be used to compile SQLPage directly on Android in Termux (this has been tested on Android 13, using the v0.28.0 source files directly from Github):
pkg install rust pkg install git git clone cd SQLpage cargo build --release cd target/release ./sqlpageA full printout of that console interaction is available at It doesn't get much easier than that - even if you've never touched the Rust toolchain.
Here are 2 compiled executables that run in Android/Termux & in 32 bit Windows 8 (the 32 bit executable also runs in newer Windows versions, tested up to Windows 11):
You can deliver SQLPage apps over a local network simply by running SQLPage on a WIFI-connected computer (Window, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc.). Just copy your .sql, .handlebars, .json and any other code/config files to the appropriate subdirectories where sqlpage.exe/sqlpage.bin is located. Be sure that the server computer is on and that the SQLPage server application is running, whenever the app needs to be accessible. If you're using any database system beside the embedded SQLite engine, make sure your database server software is also running and accessible. Configure your database connection string, port, and the folder from which .sql files are served, in /sqlpage/sqlpage.json. The example config file below is the one used to deliver all the live demo apps linked in this tutorial (adjust to your own preferences, or leave the default settings):
{ "database_url": "sqlite://./sqlpage/sqlpage.db?mode=rwc", "listen_on": "", "web_root": "./tutorial_text/sqlpage_tutorial_examples" }It's also possible to configure SQLPage by setting values in environment variables (see for instructions).
Client machines connected to the same local network can browse the IP address and port at which SQLPage is serving files (default port is 8080), plus the name of the .sql file to run (i.e., something like You can obtain the IP address of your server machine by running 'ipconfig' on the command line of that computer.
Inexpensive VPS accounts, hosted by companies such as A2hosting and Contabo, work basically the same way as serving apps locally. You can edit .sql files locally and copy them to the hosted server using scp, ftp, wget, or any other way you're comfortable transferring files. You can also create and edit .sql files directly with pico, vim, or any other editor, over an SHH connection, a remote desktop share, etc. If you need to connect to multiple databases for different apps, simply run multiple copies of the tiny SQLPage server, each with connection strings set to the selected databases. When connecting to a Linux server command line with SSH, use 'tmux' to run multiple console sessions. Doing that enables you to always get back to the same command line session where the server was started, to stop and re-start the server. Set up additional sessions to create, edit and delete .sql files. That enables you to edit your application files live, without having to stop or re-start the server. Linux VPS accounts begin around $2.99/month for commercial hosting, so getting apps running in production can be trivially inexpensive and quick to set up.
SQLPage is available as a Docker image at You can find a docker compose yaml file at There's also a version specifically prepared for use on AWS Lambda at Docker is useful for installing on ARM based Raspberry Pi machines. Other install methods include brew (useful for Mac OS), nix, scoop, and cargo.
To completely avoid any challenges involved with hosting SQLPage applications, go to They provide a turnkey solution to get SQLPage apps running online immediately - just upload .sql, .handlebars, and config files with FTP, and your apps are immediately working in production.
See for more examples and more detailed explanations of the SQLPage code found in this text.
If you'd like a software product professionally developed, or to hire the author for tutoring, please call or text 215-630-6759, or send a message to
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